Sunday, February 8, 2015

On buying extra bananas

I think in the states, I probably ate at least one banana a day.  My favorite fruit by far…but bananas are a rare treat where I live now.  They don’t always come, but when they do…yum. 

One day, I was in our grocery outlet, and they had bananas…I bought 4…two to eat right away (as fast as I could put them into my mouth) and then two, which I would eat on subsequent days…because what is more joyful then waking up and eating a banana for breakfast! ESPECIALLY when you have peanut butter to go with it.

So I had these two extra bananas.  It took a lot of self-restraint not to eat them the same day, but I made it.  I think I fell asleep thinking about them.  So when I awoke the next morning, I completed my morning routine of fire making and bed making, and then bright eyes and bushy-tailed got ready to eat my banana for breakfast.  My extreme exhilaration was however RUINED when I came across my now FROZEN bananas-hard as a rock after spending the night sitting out in my ger. 

To make good out of a bad situations, yes, I still got to mix REAL banana mush in with some oatmeal for breakfast, but banana buyers beware and heed my advice-  when buying extra bananas, it is just best to eat them all at once.  There is no time like the present.  

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