Monday, December 15, 2014

Daily Life Quip

I will preference with saying that 'Summer part 2, 3, and 4' are still coming...but on a colder note, I will leave you all with a small story of my everyday life.

Gers do not have running water, but they do have containers, that hold water, and that you can go to the well and fill up.  I usually get water from the well about twice a week,  and I am lucky enough to have a small metal cart that helps me carry my water containers. It is about a 5 minute walk there, and about the same back.  And yes, it is actually uphill, both ways. Needlessly to say, it's also usually freezing outside when I preform this activity.

So on this one fine Wednesday afternoon, I set out to fetch some water.  I bundled myself up, but I grabbed my thinner gloves, since taking the lid off my water container takes some dexterity.  I went to the well, filled up my container, and put it back on my cart and took off, in route to my home...but on this particular outing (as it usually does) my hands got a bit wet.  By the time I got home, and tried to open my gate, I realized that one of my hands was inevitably frozen to the metal cart...

Now, I bet you are thinking, if i just took my glove off, my hand would be free... but unfortunately, since I took my thin gloves, the moisture froze my skin to the the cart...making it, in fact, temporarily impossible to take my hand off that cold metal cart.

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